Sunday, August 25, 2013

Travel to Leh

Traditional Ladakhi Dress

Monastery on the ridge above Leh

Looking at jewelry at a Tibetan ladies display

Traditional Ladakhi Ladies

Susan doing the Big Prayer wheel

Beautiful homes in outskirts of Leh

Start of a back pathway back to downtown from a monastery in Leh

Chortels in Leh

View of rooftops in Leh as we came down from upper manastery

Monk greeting visitors to monastery

This puppy joined us for our hike back down into town

At guest house looking through flowersw to the Stok Mountains.
We were up at 2:30 this morning so we could get to Delhi airport for the 5:55 to Leh in Ladakh - Jammu Kashmir. Dragging bags out of guest house hoping to find Mr Omprikash waiting and once out on the street nothing. But then he raised his seat and crawled out of his car Waving to us. I think he may just live in that car. I think he spent the night there so he would be there on time. He Took us directly to the correct terminal and entry door for Jet Airlines. Then the practice in patience began. People going around the lines and pushing ahead and if one gets there ten will follow so at 3:30 having to be very assertive about position in line but all worked out and we even got through the Army security check point relatively unscathed, however my AAA batteries came under great scrutiny until the commander told them that I was fine after staring at my helpless sleepy limp person. But in the meantime most of my bag was scattered all over the counter not to mention the batteries rolling off the side and the army guys just told me to clean it up and move on. During that process Susan showed up, having been released from behind the magic curtain where the army ladies do their hand search of each lady passenger. So in all the mess and confusion I left a decent water bottle behind with clean water at the security check point. I thought If that is all that happens no big deal. This was the Good.

The Bad:
Yes just when I thought I was home free and finally out of the restroom and parched from no water bottle I had a brain freeze and sucked up a bunch of water from a public fountain. Oh no!
The Ugly:
So once I gave up trying to give it back to the disgust and amusement of the crowds of Indians around me it seemed right to kill it with some hot coffee. Ha!

The plane trip to Leh is amazing. Flying over the Himalayas and then weaving our way lower and lower into canyons with the walls sometimes looking as if we could reach out and touch the rocks that seemed just off the end of the wing. Finally things opened up and we were diving steeply for landing still going pretty fast in a large commercial jet liner. Wonderful and frightening all at once.

Back to the Good!
Angchok picked us up with his usual efficiency and had breakfast with us at the Oriental Guest house where we were warmly welcomed back by Phunchok the manager with the traditional greeting of Jullay, Jullay, Jullay in the most cheerful pleasant way and us cheerfully Jullaying back. We discussed the treks with Angchok and we will meet daily to make sure we are ready to be out for 15 - 16 days .. First on a village to village home stay trek then moving straight on to the Markha Valley Trek for 10 or so days supported by ponies, cook, guide, and helper. Oh yes and the pony man.

It is now bedtime and we have had too many mo-mos again and some really good chili sauce, garlic vege noodles and plenty of lemon ginger honey tea.

Leh has many westerners roaming around and having a good time this time of year, but the main tourist crush is over and by the time we leave on Sept 30th most will be gone.

Any nasty bugs that I brought on board in the Delhi airport have not totally manifested themselves. Angchok says the water is not that bad and don't be thinking about it but the mild cramping in my stomach may indicate differently or it may just mean too many mo mos.

We have met many really nice and interesting westerners today. In this area it looks safe for women to be out traveling alone without being hassled - this is a very relaxing good part of India to be in. Fresh Apricots are on the trees and in the markets. Dry and cooler temps rule.

Time for bed .. Good Night all. Darryl and Susan.

Sent from my iPad

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